Belle Plaine Team Participation Policy
All student athletes desiring to participate shall meet attendance, conduct, and scholastic requirements.
The Athletic Department believes student/athletes in Grades 7-8 should play at grade level. Movement of players to a higher level is discouraged. However, it is recognized that exceptional student/athletes do appear in a program. Movement can take place upon approval of all the following: Athlete, Parents, Coaches, and Activities Director. In Grades 9-12, coaches must have the flexibility to move players to their proper level of competition. Student athletes in Grades 7-8 who have been moved forward in a program and have spent the majority of playing time at the higher level may not be moved back down in order to participate in tournaments.
The primary concern is to provide a program which will allow each athlete optimal participation regardless of their skill level. The following guidelines should apply to assure that the program is for the benefit of the athlete. These guidelines are as follows:
1. All Athletes that meet the academic and attendance standard and actively participate shall be given practice time and game time.
2. All team members have a uniform or are dressed alike (if possible) for competition.
These three guidelines of participation are of philosophical nature. They are made possible by the coaches following the procedures listed here:
1. Each junior high coach must follow the philosophy of participation. The desire to include every athlete is more important than the desire to win a given contest. Certain games or meet alterations are needed and worked out by all coaches to assure participation.
2. Practices must be planned and organized effectively to deal with the large number of participants and the wide variety of skill levels.
3. Facilities must be used to their greatest advantage. Cooperation is needed between boys coaches and girls coaches as well as between the other groups and organizations that share school facilities.
Coaches must remember that the above guidelines and procedures are a result of coaches working for the “development” of each participant. Each individual that comes to a coach has many human needs; physical, emotional, social, etc. It is important to coach the athlete as well as the sport. When dealing with athletes, several basic characteristics and needs of these athletes should be taken into consideration.
1. Physical, mental and emotional growth and development.
2. Directed leadership and supervision that stresses self-discipline, self-motivation, excellence, and the ideals of good sportsmanship that make for winning and losing graciously.
3. Team play with the development of such commitments as loyalty, cooperation, fair play and other desirable social traits.
4. A need to belong to a group and be accepted by peers.
5. The need to explore a variety of experiences.
6. A chance to channel their energies in physical activity of some kind.
7. A means of achieving self-satisfaction (Opportunity for success)
The coach must be willing to work with any athlete who is interested and has a need to belong, not just work with the gifted, highly skilled athlete. As a coach of young athletes, we must constantly be seeking to aid our participants in the best way possible. Each of them is an important individual whose experiences shape attitudes and action for the future.
C-SQUAD is considered a transition year. Participation in practice and contest will continue to be emphasized and no squad members will be cut on the basis of ability. C-SQUAD coaches will make every effort to give significant playing time to all players throughout the OVERALL season, (playing time may be based on practice, cooperation and attitude). With the philosophy of participation, teams will strive to be competitive.
Participation by the most skilled that will enable possibilities for individual and team success (in some cases it may be necessary and permitted, to limit the size of the Varsity and “B” squads to a workable number).
A. Responsibility
1. Choosing the members of athletic squads is the responsibility of the coaches of those squads.
2. Prior to trying out, the coach shall provide the following information to all candidates for the team:
• Extent of try-out period
• Criteria used to select the team
• Numbers to be selected
• Practice commitment if they make the team
• Game commitments
B. Procedure
1. When a squad number is limited, the process will include three important elements. Each candidate shall:
• Have an opportunity to participate in a minimum of (5) practices.
• Have performed in at least one intrasquad/scrimmage game/session.
• Be personally informed of the reason why the candidate was not chosen by the coach.
2. Candidates not chosen for the squad will NOT BE POSTED.
• Participation fees collected from athletes will be fully refunded to those not selected for the squad.
• Athletes not selected to the squads will not be allowed to practice due to space.
• Athletes not selected will be encouraged to be part of the team through team management positions.
3. Coaches will discuss alternative possibilities for participation in the sport, or other areas in the activities program.
4. If a coach foresees difficulties as a result of squad selection, he/she should discuss the situation with the Activities Director.
5. If the number of participants is low in any grade level, players will be allowed to move to equalize the numbers. This will not eliminate playing time for any individual.
Recommended minimum number of players for teams/events:
Baseball/Softball 12
Basketball 10
Football 18
Volleyball 12
Any adjustment to the recommendations must be approved by mutual consent of the Activities Director, Coaches and Administration.